Skin Tags Removal In Gurgaon

Skin Tags

Skin Tags are small brown coloured tissue which hangs from the skin. Acrocordon is a medical term for it. They are harmless, painless and non contagious. Most commonly they are seen in areas such as neck, underarms, eyelids, as well as the groin region varying widely in shape and size.

They are more commonly seen in people suffering from obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Genetic predisposition is also seen.

Treatment of skin tags is a very basic procedure wherein they are removed by radiofrequency and laser ablation

Dr. Neha Sharma


Medical and Cosmetic Dermatologist and well renowned as the Best Dermatologist in Gurgaon, has formerly practised in prestigious Hospitals such as VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital (New Delhi) and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS, New Delhi). She has done teo superspecializtions - Fellowship in LASERS and Dermatology from National Skin Centre , Singapore and Fellowship in Aesthetic Dermatology from Bangkok. She has a total experience of 14 years and has treated over 20000 patients.
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