Anti Aging Treatment in Gurgaon

Understanding Anti Aging

Skin is the biggest proof of aging. There are both internal as well as external factors that contribute to aging.

Internal factors:

  • Hormonal disturbances like decreasing level of estrogen,
  • Genetics like I/II phototype are more prone to wrinkles whereas IV type develops an uneven skin tone.
  • Poorer blood supply to the skin causes an insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen.

External factors:

  • Sun, free radical damage to cells because of UV rays.
  • Pollution.
  • Smoking and excessive drinking.
  • Inappropriate skincare

Aging occurs in all three layers of skin.

Epidermis shows:

  • Decreased cell turnover.
  • Reduction in sebum content.

Dermis shows:

  • Degradation of collagen by the rate of 1% per year beyond 25.
  • Reduction in hyaluronic acid.
  • Poor blood supply

Subcutaneous fat:

  • Reduction in the size and number of adipose tissues.

Signs and symptoms of aging:

  1. Wrinkles
  2. Dark Spots
  3. Fine lines
  4. Slack and loose skin
  5. Loss of volume
  6. Dryness of skin
  7. More fragile skin
  8. Increased tendency to bruise
  9. Skin becomes more transparent
  10. Age spots and skin tags

We at Estique clinic, the best skin clinic in Gurgaon for anti-aging treatment, continuously use revolutionary technologies to maintain the refreshed and radiant you.

Some of the anti-aging technologies that we use are:

    1. Skin Rejuvenation by LASERS
    2. Blood Derived Growth Factors Treatment
    3. Radiofrequency micro-needling
    4. Dermarollers
    5. Chemical Peels
    6. Medifacials
    7. Anti-Wrinkle Injections & Fillers

  1. High-intensity frequency ultrasound
  2. Endymed radiofrequency skin tightening

Dr. Neha Sharma


Medical and Cosmetic Dermatologist and well renowned as the Best Dermatologist in Gurgaon, has formerly practised in prestigious Hospitals such as VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital (New Delhi) and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS, New Delhi). She has done teo superspecializtions - Fellowship in LASERS and Dermatology from National Skin Centre , Singapore and Fellowship in Aesthetic Dermatology from Bangkok. She has a total experience of 14 years and has treated over 20000 patients.
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